1850-1920 Washington Township, Sevier County Arkansas


Occupations of Inhabitants of
Washington Township, Sevier County, Arkansas

Towns included: Paraclifta, Ben Lomond, Paraloma, Brownstown & 
White Cliffs

While the majority of inhabitants in Washington Township were farmers (a not so wild guess would be about 95%), there were many others who helped towns grow and prosper.  Below is a list of those I have found in the 1850-1920 Arkansas censuses. 

James E Walker 1930 
Vedie Walker 1930 
James M Bledsoe 1900
William T Bledsoe 1900
Jacob Heister 1850 
J. Stout 1880
A. A. Timmons 1880
R. Goforth 1880
W. Barker 1880
Frank Smith 1870
Jacob Ruster 1860 
James Burk 1870
Tipton Gillespie 1870
Abraham Dunesy? 1850 
James Rymond 1860 
W.R. Spear 1910
Winfield B Roberson 1910
Samuel Coble 1860 
William Kolbe1910
James S Ellis 1910
John W Graves 1910
John Whisenhunt 1860
David Julan 1860 
William Tinsley 1860
George Daughery 1860 
James Hollingshead 1860 
Benjamin Hollingshead 1860 

Edward King 1930 
H. J. W. Barker 1900 
Kosenth Coats 1900
I. G. Gorham 1920
Edward King 1920
J. M. Nichols 1880
W.G. Linex 1860 
L. Gilliam1880
E. A. Brunson 1880
James Williams 1850 
N. Coats 1880
R. Whitsworth 1880
James H WIlson 1860 
A. J. Clinghan 1910
E. H. Willson 1880
S.P. Davis 1880
James B Wilson 1870
James A Williams 1870
William F Lowrey 1860 
James N Morgan 1870
James H Wilson 1870
William T. Boyce 1870
Conester Bizzell 1910
J.S. Sturdivant 1910
George Pettigrew 1860 
Andrew J. Clinghan1910
Emmet E Whitaker 1910
James Fears 1860 
Isaac Gordon 1910

T.L. Ingraham 1930
E W Ingraham 1930 
James H Hopson 1930 
Alice Mize 1930 
Nicholas Dawson 1850 
Gladys Crawford 1930 
Francis A Foran 1850 
Robert A James 1930 
Lillian Pettigrew 1900
Emma Hargrove 1900
Grace Fawcett 1920
Earnest Dulaney 1920
Cecil Dulaney 1920
Myrtle Dulaney 1920
Martha Keating 1850 
Mary Gilliam 1880
J.H. Williams 1860 
R. Davis 1880
W. N. Walters 1910
Malye Halman 1910
George W Lewis 1910
James A Fenton 1910
D Ferguson 1880
Amanda Beckwith 1870
Nancy Floran 1910
Waite Butler 1910
William E Amoss 1910
W. Middleton 1910 
Ada Middleton 1910
Mae Polk 1930 
Lewis Cannon 1860 

Paul B Neal 1900
Archibald Hawkins 1910
Thomas G.T. Steele 1910
Isaac N Jackson 1860 
A.D. Hawkins 1860 
Alexander Craycrot 1860 
John R Gratiote 1850 
H.D. Flowers 1860
Benjamin Parker 1860 
Thomas Steel 1860 
Joseph Taaff 1860
Frederick L Ridley 1850  
H.G. Rind 1860 
James Penney 1860 

Hotel Keepers: 
Miles R Hill 1860 

Emanuel Hinkler 1860 

T.J. Baughman 1930 
Robert C Gilliam 1860 
James Pettus 1850 
Lawson Tabler 1930 
James F Johnson 1850 
Lewis B Dowd 1850 
Franklin Sard 1860 
James H Smith 1860 
A.C. Pawly 1860 
W.C. Mize 1910 
Sidney Mize 1910 
Joseph Weight 1850 
B.H. Kinsworthy 1860 
Babel Baggerly 1860 
S.S. Donivan 1860 
W.C. Sutton 1910 
Jim Sutton 1910 
Edward Hopkins 1860 
Robert A Lancaster 1860
Daniel R Briggs 1860 
Odo Cobb 1900 
CC Garrison 1900 
Joseph E Smith 1900
William Wallis 1860 
Jim M Sutton 1900
John Hudson 1860 
Daniel R Fawcett 1900
W.C. Mize 1920
Allie Rhyne 1920
William Polk 1920
H. L. Tabler 1920 
Joe Walker 1920
S. H. Norwood 1880
A. M. Blevins 1880
W.O. Simmons 1880
J. Hudson 1880
Earnest Roberts 1920
John S Walker 1870
John Hudson 1870
Alexander Luther 1870
Edmund Smith 1910
Lewis Norwood 1910
William M Wallis 1910
John Daggett 1910
Benjamin W Fawcett 1910 
T.M. Beck 1910
Mrs Allie Rhyne 1910 
John D Ross 1870
Walter Herndon 1870
Alonzo H Tundall 1870
Felix Stephens 1870
Pascal Smith 1860 
D.W. Fawcett 1910
Melborn M Lagron 1910
James L Potts 1910
John Davis 1910 
William L Choate 1910
William Shirmer 1910
Alexander Land 1860
Ezekial Polk 1860
J.F. Bell 1860
Samuel Stancil 1860
F.F. Coffee 1860
Joseph Edwards 1860 

George Haze 1860 

S.T. Anderson 1860 

Edwin Carr 1900 
T. Dulaney 1880
Rev Thomas Dulaney 1910 
Archieley Turrentin 1910 
William Boren 1910
B. Abernathy 1860
John Kesterson 1860 
William Browning 1860 
W.B. Austin 1860 
Henry G Rind 1850 
Thomas W Fuquay 1850

William M Sherman 1900
F.G. Brown 1920 
Henry Hallman 1920
J.E. Smith 1880 
Jimmie Wilson 1910 

Mail Rider/Post Office:
David Walker 1900
John Fargus 1910 
Thomas Elliott 1910 
A.D. Dulaney
Ransom H Ellis 1870
Benjamin Fawcett 1930 

WW Wilkson 1860
Thomas Fawcett 1860 

Henry F Choate 1900
Robert C Gillian 1850 
W Needham 1880
L. S Rhyne 1880
S.M. Yarbrough 1860 
James Humphreys 1860 
Lawner B Griffin 1850 
R.W. Williams 1860 
G.L. Cox 1860 
John King 1860 
H.N. Davidson 1860
Leroy Johnson 1860 
F.C. Falls 1860 
W.W. Sharp 1860 
David Pittman 1860 
Thomas Leslie 1860 
William Johnson 1860 
William C Harp 1860 
Thomas THompson 1860 
Elliott Miodliton 1850 

Statistical Agent: 
John L Hargrove 1900

John Crossland 1900 

Stove Mill Employees
Mack Gafford 1910 
Edd T Johnson 1910 
Jack Page 1910 
William J Graves 1870
Hamp Smallen 1870
Julius C Harkey 1870
Grover Graves 1870

Gas Station Owners:
Will S Davis 1930 
Henry B Cobble 1930 

Justice of the Peace/County officials:
G.B. Milford 1910 
George B Milford 1920
Hugh H Cleary 1870
Jehu B Smith (sheriff) 1910 
Archibald C Steel (dep Sheriff) 1910 
Matthew W Locke (tax assessor) 1910 
Joseph H Danson (Dept Clerk) 1910 
Burton H Kinsworthy (court clerk)  1850 
Joseph Buzzard 1850 
James Penney (sheriff) 1850 

John McKeller 1880 
P. Caldwell 1880
W.E. Kinsworthy 1880
L. McWaters 1880
Samuel B Milliver 1910 

C.C. Garrison 

T.A. Vestal 1860 

James Falls 1880

Carpenters & Painters: 
Harrison Herndon 1880
William Ward 1850 
Joel Canion 1870
William Sharp 1870
Jesse Barnett 1860 
W.L. Griffing 1860 
Lewis P Trops 1860 
Charley S Beasly 1860 
John Adair 1910 
Earnest Rhynders 1870
James R Thornton 1910 
L.C. Cannon 1860
Pettus B Jones 1860
John King 1860
Daniel Bares 1860
W.F. Hargis 1860 

W. M. Caler 1930 
Gilford Nunnley 1910 
Prince Miles 1870
Gus McGee 1870
James Hurning 1870
Charlie Kelly 1870
Buckner Lemon 1870
Robert Nunnley 1870
Elmo Hopkins 1870
Ollie Nunnley 1870
Scotland Smith 1870
Rufus Dillard 1870
Edgar Gentry 1910 

Steamboat Engineers: 
James B Stroud 1870

Telegraph Operators:
Monroe Erwin 1870
Thomas E Corbell 1910 

William Talen 1920 
John Meredith 1910 
Taylor Wheeler 1910 
WJ Allen 1920 
Martin Dyaer 1920 

R A Clifton 1880

Brick Masons: 
J.C Smedley 1880

Jasper N Stout 1910 

Albert Hill 1910 
James Garrett 1930 

S.C. Pyeatt 1880
M.R. Arnett 1930 
David Tremble 1860 

Ella Wilson 1920 

William H Williams 1870
Laurie Tabler 1930 
Thomas A Scott 1860 

Bridge Builders: 
Hayden Hill 1930 

Bank Cashiers: 
John D Moore 1870

Garage Owners: 
Hicks Jones 1930 

Restaurant Owners 
John Ritcherson 1930 

George Hallman 1930 

Cotton Gins
John R Horton 1930 

A. Carroll 1860

Fredric Luther 1860 
John Devers 1860 

John W. Bowen 1860 
William Russell 1850

Samuel W Calain 1860 

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