Paraloma News


from the Nashville News

May 15, 1908 

Paraloma's first ball game was held on last Thursday afternoon.

The Ben Lomond ball team came down yesterday afternoon and played the first game with the new town of Paraloma. The game was won by the score of 10-9 in the tenth inning by Paraloma. 

The game was very close from the beginning, making it very interesting The batteries were as follows: Paraloma; McComb and McComb, Ben Lomond; Roberts and White


August 19, 1919 

Leonard Evans arrived home Sunday from overseas service with the army.  Jeff Cowling, Bub Thomas and Lloyd Horn, of Buck Range were visitors to Paraloma Sunday. 

Fred Burroughs and Willie Tyndall have arrived home from the wheat harvest in Oklahoma. 

M.D. Pafford of Ashdown and Miss Henry Addington of Paraloma were married last Sunday evening at Brownstown at the home of Dr. and Mrs J.E. Guthrey; Justice O.A. Tyndall officiating.  Both parties to this wedding are very prominent in this section and their many friends are wishing them many years of happiness and prosperity. 

December 11, 1908

The safe in the store of O. Kolb and Co., general merchants at Paraloma, was blown at 2:00 this morning, and completely wrecked.  But little money had been left in the safe and a small quantity was taken from the cash drawer, but valuable papers belonging to the firm were scattered all over the building and along the route from the store to the depot, where a handcar was stolen by the thieves upon which to make their escaper. 

It is thought that the robbers went toward Ashdown, and Sheriff Haller and Night Marshall Nowell, of Nashville were requested to bring bloodhound with which to trail the robbers, which they did, arriving on the morning train. 

It is hoped to strike the trail of the robbers at some point where they abandon the handcar, as there is little probability of them going into Ashdown on the car. 

Nothing had been heard from the posse that went in pursuit of the robbers up to 2:00 this afternoon. 

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